Friday, August 14, 2015

The Critique of the Legend of Mango by Eun Ero Prelijera

   I found this story lovely and heartbreaking. Well because, The father of  Perla, Mang Ado, wanted Perla to marry a rich guy which is Pedro. But she was in love with someone else. He's name is Jose and he's a young, strong farmer. They were engaged secretly because if  she told her father, she will be forced to marry Pedro which happened. When Pedro learned about this he committed suicide. And When Perla learned about this, her heart was shattered into pieces that she wanted to die and be with him in heaven which really happened. Perla left a letter for his father which is all about her love for Jose. His father dreamt about her saying that she forgive him and go to their garden tomorrow to see a tree with a gold heart-shaped fruit and that fruit was the Mango.

      This story was written in the Philippines. I've learned here that love is full of sacrifices.

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